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Prompt Generator

Our prompt generator feature transforms text ideas or sample images into creative prompts, sparking inspiration with AI-driven suggestions!

Updated over a week ago

Keywords to prompt (Text to prompt)

Our app's text-to-prompt feature transforms your ideas or keywords into creative, AI-generated prompts. Easily generate unique concepts and visuals to inspire your projects with minimal effort.

Step 1:

Pictro > Home > Prompt Generator

Step 2:

Write your idea or keywords around that you want to create prompts and click 'Generate'.

Step 3:

Click on try to put that in prompt box to create your art.

Image to prompt

Our app's image-to-prompt generator feature transforms your photos into creative, AI-generated prompts. Simply upload an image and let the AI inspire new ideas and concepts, making creativity effortless.

Step 1:

Pictro > Home > Prompt Generator

Step 2:

Click on upload image and select the image.

Step 3:

Select Aspect Ratio and crop image and click next.

Step 4:

You will got the propmt of the image, copy that prompt or post that in propmt box to generate the image.

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