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All CollectionsAPI Reference for Developers
DreamRender-3.0 API Reference
DreamRender-3.0 API Reference

This documentation provides comprehensive guidelines for using the AI Image Generation API, enabling users to create customized images.

Updated over a week ago


HTTP Method:


Request Parameters:

  • dev_key (required):

    • Type: String

    • Description: Your developer key to authenticate the API request.

    • Example: "your-dev-key"

  • model (required):

    • Type: String

    • Description: The model to be used for generating the image. Different models are optimized for various styles and outputs.

    • Example: "realisticVisionV60B1_v51VAE"

    • Access the list of all models here

  • prompt (required):

    • Type: String

    • Description: A textual description of the image you want to generate.

    • Example: "shoe"

  • width (required):

    • Type: Integer

    • Description: The width of the generated image in pixels.

    • Example: "512"

  • height (required):

    • Type: Integer

    • Description: The height of the generated image in pixels.

    • Example: "512"

  • seed (optional):

    • Type: Integer

    • Description: A numerical seed for reproducibility. Use -1 for a random seed.

    • Example: "-1"

  • styles (optional):

    • Type: String

    • Description: Specifies the art style to apply to the image. Use "None" if no specific style is desired.

    • Example: "None"

    • Access the list of all styles here

  • cfg_scale (optional):

    • Type: Float

    • Description: Adjusts the adherence to the input prompt. Higher values make the image follow the prompt more closely.

    • Example: "7"

  • steps (optional):

    • Type: Integer

    • Description: The number of iterations for refining the image. More steps generally result in higher quality.

    • Example: "30"

  • enable_hr (optional):

    • Type: Boolean

    • Description: Enables high-resolution mode. Use "True" to enable and "False" to disable.

    • Example: "False"

  • negative_prompt (optional):

    • Type: String

    • Description: Specifies elements or themes to exclude from the image.

    • Example: ""

  • prompt_temp (optional):

    • Type: Float

    • Description: Controls the creativity of the prompt. Higher values result in more creative outputs.

    • Example: "0.8"

  • prompt_top_p (optional):

    • Type: Float

    • Description: Controls the probability distribution for the prompt. Higher values result in more deterministic outputs.

    • Example: "0.9"

  • designer (optional):

    • Type: Boolean

    • Description: Enables the Object Designer feature. Use "True" to generate isolated objects without a background and "False" otherwise.

    • Example: "False"

  • enhance_prompt (optional):

    • Type: Boolean

    • Description: Enhances the input prompt to improve image quality. If designer is True, only the designer prompt enhancement is applied. If designer is False and enhance_prompt is True, the prompt is enhanced without applying styles.

    • Example: "True"

Conditions and Behavior:

  • Styles Application:

    • Styles can be applied regardless of the enhance_prompt setting. The specified style will influence the visual aesthetics of the generated image.

  • Designer Prompt Enhancement:

    • If designer is True, the designer prompt enhancement will be applied, focusing on generating the object without a background, suitable for product photography and further customization.

  • General Prompt Enhancement:

    • If designer is not True and enhance_prompt is True, the input prompt will be enhanced to potentially improve the quality and coherence of the generated image. This enhancement does not include style modifications.

Example cURL Request:

curl --location '' \
--form 'dev_key="your-dev-key"' \
--form 'model="realisticVisionV60B1_v51VAE"' \
--form 'prompt="shoe"' \
--form 'width="512"' \
--form 'height="512"' \
--form 'seed="-1"' \
--form 'styles="None"' \
--form 'cfg_scale="7"' \
--form 'steps="30"' \
--form 'enable_hr="False"' \
--form 'negative_prompt=""' \
--form 'prompt_temp="0.8"' \
--form 'prompt_top_p="0.9"' \
--form 'designer="False"' \
--form 'enhance_prompt="True"'


The response will contain the generated image data or an error message if the request was not successful.

Usage Notes:

  • Ensure your developer key (dev_key) is valid to authenticate the request.

  • Adjust the prompt parameter to accurately describe the desired image.

  • Use cfg_scale and steps to control the quality and adherence of the generated image.

  • Utilize the seed parameter for reproducibility if you need to generate the same image multiple times.

  • Enable designer mode for creating isolated objects without backgrounds, suitable for product photography and further customization.

  • Consider using the enhance_prompt feature to refine the image quality based on the input prompt.

This documentation provides the necessary information to effectively utilize the Image Generation API, enabling users to create high-quality, customized images. If further assistance is needed, please refer to the support documentation or contact the support team.

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